版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
聯絡地址:Bistrica bb 72230 Zepce Bosnia and Herzegovina
We've manually collected a list of easy salad recipes, and put it in a nice package which can be accessed easily, even offline. Each of the recipes was checked by one of our specialists to make sure our application can go live.
Salads are mostly well known to be something that people often avoid in their everyday life, when it comes to how they actually taste. That does not have to be a case. Salads can be absolutely delicious, tasty and healthy as well, if you prepare them in a good way. Also, they are not that time consuming as the making of regular meals.
This is only one of our apps where we share the very best of our salad recipes with you. In the future, we will bring in some more.
What do we have to offer?
Bean Salad
Caesar Salad
Carrot Salad
Chicken Salad
Corn Salad
Egg Salad
Fish Salad
Fruits Salad
Greek Salad
Green Salad
Healthy Salad
Kids Salad
Macaroni Salad
Meat Salad
Pasta Salad
Potato Salad
Protein Salad
Salmon Salad
Seafood Salad
Shrimp Salad
Taco Salad
Tomato Salad
Tuna Salad
Turkey Salad
Urdu Salad
Vegan Salad
Vegetable Salad
Vegetarian Salad
Weight Loss Salad