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DCAP - DCapital





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




DCAP - DCapital(圖1)-速報App

DCapital (DECENTRALIZED CAPITAL MANAGEMENT) is a company focusing on developing decentralized capital management platforms using Blockchain technology. We help customers to digitalize their asset, and provide them tools to effectively manage their digital asset in a decentralized approach.

DCapital will provide technologies to help traditional investment companies (Unit Investment Trust or Ventures Investment Fund) to transition to Decentralized Capital Management model.

DCapital will also help investment companies to search and select investment opportunities globally, because digital assets via Blockchain are boundaryless.

DCAP - DCapital(圖2)-速報App


DFund will provide technologies to help traditional investment companies (Unit Investment Trust or Ventures Investment Fund) to transition to Decentralized Capital Management model. DFund will also help investment companies to search and select investment opportunities globally, because digital assets via Blockchain are boundaryless.

DBank is a new banking model that keep customers’ money in a Blockchain. All transactions are recorded securely in a Blockchain. Using smart contract, we can provide guaranteed interest rates, and allow customers to pick the most suitable package with the highest interest rate.

DCAP - DCapital(圖3)-速報App

DBlockchain model helps customers to build and scale their Decentralized Financial Block quickly, efficiently, professionally and securely via Blockchain technology.

DMarketplace will help providing a broader selection of products and services by connecting providers to consumers globally, therefore allow the consumers to gain access to better and cheaper services.

Email: contact@dcapitalbvi.uk

DCAP - DCapital(圖4)-速報App

DCapital Investment Management Ltd.

Address: R.G Hodge Plaza, Upper Main Street, Wickham’s Cay 1, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom

Site: https://dcapitalbvi.uk

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Privacy: https://dcapitalbvi.uk/privacy-policy/

DCAP - DCapital(圖6)-速報App