速報APP / 生活品味 / 水族館動態桌布圖片氣泡






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




✭你一直對海洋動植物著迷,但你沒有機會去探索呢?感謝♒水族館動態桌布圖片氣泡♒,你可以經歷這個體驗!獲取“水族館動態壁紙免費”的費用,以及“氣泡相框”給你全景!在這個夢幻般的“泡泡壁紙”應用程序中浸泡,這將改變你的屏幕更好!把你最喜歡的“照片放在氣泡”,並選擇一個適合的水樣背景,將與他們完美匹配。你會有最美麗的手機屏幕在小隊!那麼你還在盯著你的干燥屏幕呢?這很可能會成為一個新的趨勢,所以不要再出水了,點擊下載按鈕! ♒水族館動態桌布圖片氣泡♒將瞬間絕對免費!








✭想像一下有個人水族館,但在你的手機裡面!這就是你所得到的♒水族館動態桌布圖片氣泡♒壁紙♒。您將獲得與所有其他應用程序不同的“水背景”。讓您的手機看起來像世界上最美麗的水族箱!享受清澈的水,海洋動物和異國情調的魚與這個驚人的壁紙應用程序的美麗。這些是最好的壁紙,將帶你去海上旅程。你現在可以知道如何讓自己的魚缸感覺到你隨身攜帶的魚缸!這太棒了,不是嗎?這是一個完美的水族館。它類似於一個現實生活的水族箱,有一點不同 - 你不必餵魚。但這比缺點更有優勢,你不同意嗎?

✭用超現實的“水動壁紙”探索壯麗迷人的海洋生活。生活在世界海洋和海洋中的生物真的是雄偉壯觀的景象。有各種各樣的水下物種,從各種魚類和海星,珊瑚礁和章魚等等。現在,您可以從這個應用程序的附近看看他們。不要忘記 - 你也可以看到手機上擺放著可愛的小氣泡的所有最重要和最親愛的照片,使他們更加愉悅。當他們用漂亮的水上背景裝飾你的屏幕時,永遠不會忘記你最喜歡的時刻!



This app has a great deal of features:

✪ Choose your preferred “aquarium wallpaper” you can put on the background;

✪ Select a picture from your own gallery for incorporating in your wallpaper;


✪ Customize the bubbles by choosing which direction they go in, what size they are, how many bubbles you want, and what type you want;

✪ Put the pictures you want in the bubbles and let the fun finally begin!

✭ Imagine having a personal aquarium, but inside your phone! That is exactly what you get with the ♒ Pic Bubble Aquarium Wallpapers ♒. You will get the “water background” that will embellish your display unlike any other app! Make your phone look like the most beautiful aquarium in the world! Enjoy the beauty of crystal clear water, sea animals and exotic fish with this phenomenal wallpaper app for. These are the best wallpapers that will take you on a journey under the sea. You can know now how it feels to have your own fish tank that you can take with you wherever you go! That's pretty amazing, isn't it? It is a perfect aquarium for you. It resembles a real life aquarium with one small difference – you don't have to feed your fish. But that's rather an advantage than a flaw, don't you agree?


✭ Explore the magnificent and captivating sea life with a super realistic “water live wallpaper”. The creatures that live in the world's seas and oceans are truly a majestic sight to behold. There is a wonderful array of underwater species, from various kinds fish and starfish, to coral reefs and octopuses, and many many more. Now you get to look at them all from a close vicinity with this app. And don't forget - you also will also be able to see all the most important and dearest photographs from your cellphone floating around in cute little bubbles which makes them even more pleasing to the eye. You will never forget your favorite moments when they adorn your screen with a beautiful aquatic background!

✭ Dive into a world of fun and impress your friends and family members with these fantastic ♒ Pic Bubble Aquarium Wallpapers ♒! The “aquarium live wallpaper” will make you feel like you are a professional scuba diver who saw the most obscure depths of the ocean. Moreover, the bubbles swimming in its foreground will remind you constantly of the most precious people and moments of your life. It's an amazing combination you do not want to miss out on. You are just a single click of a button away from possessing this wonderful application, so don't hesitate anymore!
