速報APP / 攝影 / Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Vid

Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Vid





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Alexandra House The Sweepstakes Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Republic Of Ireland

Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Video Gallery(圖1)-速報App

Vibo Gallery is an app for organizing your photos. Password-protect your photos, organize them, display them slide-show style, share photos via email or social networks. it is smart gallery, format galleries, collection Gallery with this android Gallery.

With "Vibo Gallery"(Photos), when you import photos or videos from the Camera Roll, it saves the original, unmodified data.

Security and Pin Protection : There is a section in Vibo gallery setting for private photos which is numeric pin protected. user can hide private photos like girl friend photos, hot photos, naughty photos, dirty photos, secret photos. so 'Vibo Gallery' app is the strictly confidential, top secret, hidden application.

Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Video Gallery(圖2)-速報App

Photo viewer & photo slideshow effects

Photo Editor

- Rotate, Crop, Effects, Brightness etc

Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Video Gallery(圖3)-速報App

Photos, Videos

- Import from Camera Roll

- Save to Camera Roll

Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Video Gallery(圖4)-速報App

- Move to different Album

- Copy to different Album

- Search

Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Video Gallery(圖5)-速報App

- Slideshow

- Send by email

- Message support

Vibo Gallery: Manage Photo Gallery & Video Gallery(圖6)-速報App
