速報APP / 教育 / Sinhala Akuru,Pillam,Alphabet

Sinhala Akuru,Pillam,Alphabet





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Kirillawala Webada,11858

Sinhala Akuru,Pillam,Alphabet(圖1)-速報App

Colors are more important for apps to stick kids on it.And also when click on something they are expecting a sound as well. So in our app we include rainbow colors and each click it will play the pressed letter.Not only that kids also can type words they want and then can hear what it plays letter by letter.

There are few highlighted features in app as mentioned bellow.

Sinhala Akuru,Pillam,Alphabet(圖2)-速報App

Voice on Click : When you click on each letter app will pronounce that letter for you in that way kids can identify each letter.

Letter Variation : When you click on a letter which has several variation.It will give a pop up to choose.

Sinhala Akuru,Pillam,Alphabet(圖3)-速報App

Play Words : You can play any words or sentences you typed in the text area. Also you will be able to save them and play them in future.

Alphabet : You will have a separate screen to see and play Sinhala alphabet.In that screen kids or non-Sinhalese can understand Sinhalese letters clearly and its usage.

Sinhala Akuru,Pillam,Alphabet(圖4)-速報App

Save records : You can save your interested sentences and play it later.This might help to people who cant speak.

Volume Controller. :You can adjust the volume level you want while words are playing.

Sinhala Akuru,Pillam,Alphabet(圖5)-速報App