速報APP / 生產應用 / Unified Remote

Unified Remote



檔案大小:7.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:瑞典文, 英語

Unified Remote(圖1)-速報App

Easily the best remote control for your computer. Turn your device into a WiFi or Bluetooth universal remote control for your Windows PC. Mac and Linux support also available. Control your favorite programs, mouse, and keyboard.

Server: www.unifiedremote.com

“Fantastic tool for those of you who want to have a remote control for their computer for watching TV, or maybe for listening to music.” – Gizmodo

Key Features:

• Easy server and app setup, that just works.

• Loaded with remotes to control many media applications, tools, system settings, etc.

• Basic Input remote to control mouse and keyboard.

• Automatic server detection to easily find servers on your network.

• Server password protection and encryption for added security.

• Supports single and multi-touch mouse control.

• Wake On LAN to easily start your server.

• Includes light and dark color themes.

• Server is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

• Control other devices including Raspberry Pi and Arduino Yún.

• 18 free remotes

Popular Remotes:

• Basic Input (remote mouse & remote keyboard)

• Spotify Remote

• YouTube Remote

• PowerPoint Remote

Unified Remote(圖2)-速報App

• Netflix Remote

• Slideshow Remote/ Presentation Remote

• VLC Remote

• Keynote Remote

• Google Presentation Remote

• XBMC Remote

Both the Unified Remote app and server are free to download and use. Additional features and remotes are available through In-App Purchases.

• Unified Remote Full with all features and remotes for $3.99

• Purchase additional remotes for $0.99

• Purchase additional features for $0.99

Remotes in Free Version:

• Basic Input (remote mouse & remote keyboard)

• File Manager (browse computer files)

• Keyboard Remote

• Media Remote (basic media buttons)

• Power Remote (turn on/off and lock computer)

• Scroll Wheel Remote

• Slide Show Remote

• Spotify Remote

• Start / Launcher (open programs)

Unified Remote(圖3)-速報App

• Task Manager (switch active program)

• Windows Media Center Remote

• Windows Media Player Remote

• VLC Remote

• YouTube Remote

Remotes in Full Version:

• Create and use Custom Remotes

• Basic Input (remote mouse & remote keyboard)

• Boxee Remote

• BSPlayer Remote

• Command Remote (execute terminal/console commands)

• Chrome Remote

• File Manager (browse computer files)

• Firefox Remote

• foobar2000 Remote

• GOM Player Remote

• Google Music Remote

• Google Presentation Remote

• Hulu Remote

• Internet Explorer Remote

Unified Remote(圖4)-速報App

• iPhoto Remote

• iTunes Remote

• J River Media Center Remote

• Keyboard Remote

• Keynote Remote

• KMPlayer Remote

• Mac OS X Remote

• Magnifier Remote (screen magnifier)

• MPC HC Remote

• Media Remote (basic media buttons)

• Media Portal Remote

• MediaMonkey Remote

• Monitor Remote (turn monitor on/off)

• MusicBee Remote

• Navigation Remote

• Netflix Remote

• Number Pad Remote

• Opera Remote

• Pandora Remote

• Picasa Remote

Unified Remote(圖5)-速報App

• Plex Remote

• PowerPoint Remote

• Power Remote (turn on/off and lock computer)

• QuickTime Player Remote

• Safari Remote

• Scroll Wheel Remote

• Send Text Remote (type text to computer)

• Slide Show Remote

• Spotify Remote

• Start / Launcher (open programs)

• Task Manager (switch active program)

• Tellstick Remote

• Tellstick Live Remote

• Twitch TV Remote

• USB-UIRT Remote

• Winamp Remote

• Windows 8 Remote

• Windows Media Center Remote

• Windows Media Player Remote

• Windows Photo Viewer Remote

Unified Remote(圖6)-速報App

• VLC Remote

• XBMC Remote

• YouTube Remote

Note that some remotes are only available for certain operating systems.

Learn more at: www.unifiedremote.com

Unified Remote(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad