


檔案大小:32.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Scrawl is a location-based social network where users can create places and communicate with other users in and around those places. Create places anywhere in the world, wherever you want, and leave messages for other users to find and respond to.

Any location in the world is perfect for a Scrawl wall. Just create it and start posting!

● Create a new place for your gym, and stay in touch with other regulars at your club!


● Bring up a Scrawl wall at your school, and meet other people who study where you do!

● Post in a secret spot you discover, and leave a message for others who might discover your secret place!

● Create Scrawl walls for events, and give attendees a place to stay in touch during and after the event!


● Post and read reviews of restaurants, stores, beaches, parks, or anywhere else you can think of!

● Post anything, anywhere, anytime you want!

Post messages, replies, and photos to your places and places you discover. Upvote quality posts, and downvote the negative! You can even post anonymously, if your user score is in good standing!


The possibilities are limitless. We can't wait to see what our users create. See you in Scrawl!


支援平台:iPhone, iPad