速報APP / 財經 / Malta Customs

Malta Customs



檔案大小:11.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Malta Customs(圖1)-速報App

Malta Customs Mobile App provides information related to the Customs clearance procedures in the form of notifications, news and events which are published on regular basis.

The import duty calculator estimates the duties of the product selected. Commodity codes which are subject to excise, anti-dumping and countervailing duties are not available in this version.

The users of the import/export system may be immediately notified with the change of status of their submitted declarations.

Moreover, users may also send an email to the Customs Department directly from the contact form provided.

Malta Customs(圖2)-速報App


Il-mobile app tad-Dwana ta’ Malta tipprovdi informazzjoni relatata mal-proċeduri tad-Dwana u Sisa lill-utenti permezz ta’ notifikazzjonijiet, aħbarijiet u attivitajiet li jiġu ppubblikati fuq bażi regolari.

L-app tipprovdi wkoll mezz biex jiġi kkalkulat id-dazju u l-VAT ta’ prodotti partikolari. Prodotti li huma soġġetti għas-sisa, taxxi ta’ anti-dumping u counterveillance mhumiex inklużi f’din il-verżjoni.

L-utenti tas-sistema tal-importazzjoni / esportazzjoni jistgħu jiġu notifikati immedjatament meta d-dikjarazzjonijiet li ssottomettew jinbidel l-istatus tagħhom.

Malta Customs(圖3)-速報App

L-utenti jistgħu wkoll jibagħtu imejl dirett lid-Dipartiment tad-Dwana minn formola apposta.

Malta Customs(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad