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If I was to go through my psychology education again - beginning when I first started considering studying the topic right through to graduation and beyond - what information and resources would I most like to have at my disposal?

The Psychology Student Survival Guide contains this information.

This Guide helps you quickly locate information you need to get you through your studies in this amazing field.


Created by two experts in the field:

David Webb, Bsc (hons), MSc - creator of the All-About-Psychology website

Michael A. Britt, Ph.D. - host of The Psych Files podcast



“Awesome! Fantastic guide-most helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together, it is most appreciated!” (Lori, United States).

“I am currently studying the Psychology of Criminal Behavior. The Psychology Student Survival Guide is an excellent resource to have. This will help me a lot with my study, assignments, reports, essays etc. Thank you so much for creating this resource. It is a joy to read. Looking forward to the new additional sections to the guide in the future.” (Liza, Ireland).


“I really found all of the information very helpful and I feel that I should have read this guide before even starting my course, but anyway it is still my first year and I’m very thankful to come across it, even now.” (Maia, United Kingdom).


支援平台:iPhone, iPad