速報APP / 教育 / Gradr - Professional Grade Tracker

Gradr - Professional Grade Tracker


檔案大小:44.3 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Gradr - Professional Grade Tracker(圖1)-速報App

Keeping track of your university grades can get overwhelming, but not with Gradr. Enter your grades throughout the semester to easily keep track of them and reach your goals. You will never have to wonder how you’re doing with forecasted grades supported by simple and informative graphics.

The app is simple to use with clean minimalist design and intuitive layout. Simply add semesters, papers, and assignments and the app will do all the tricky maths so you can start tracking straight away.

Key features include:

-Fully customisable grade scale.

Gradr - Professional Grade Tracker(圖2)-速報App

-Colour customisation and live charts to visually keep track of your progress.

-Forecasted marks based on previous tests.

-3D Touch Support

-Goal setting

Gradr - Professional Grade Tracker(圖3)-速報App

-Live online database syncing, make a change on one device, and it will sync instantly to others.

-Online database so you won't lose your data if you lose or get a new phone.

Upcoming features:

-Goal setting with required grades to meet those goals.

Gradr - Professional Grade Tracker(圖4)-速報App

-Exportable graphs to share your progress.

-Sub-assignment grouping for weekly projects that add up to one assignment.

Icons from https://icons8.com

Gradr - Professional Grade Tracker(圖5)-速報App
