速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / TES Flora Apartments Borovets

TES Flora Apartments Borovets




版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




TES Flora Apartments Borovets(圖1)-速報App

It is not only your apartment rental app but also your resort guide for Borovets - all in one and in your hand. It is a complimentary service allowing you to enjoy and enhance your experience not only when using our services, but during your stay in the resort as well.

With the TES Flora app you can:

Plan and arrange your stay both in one of our apartments and the resort

Browse our accommodation facilities and other services we are offering

Book your accommodating with us, or build your own package

TES Flora Apartments Borovets(圖2)-速報App

Book or add to your reservation services such as SPA, Sport activities, transfers, excursions

Receive special offers and discount vouchers before and during your stay

Browse through and book selected resort services and activities

navigate your journey or find your way around the resort

and much more

As part of our goal to perform an awesome service to you, this app also provides a location based services for fun and helpful experience during your stay. Please note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life, however we employ advanced techniques (such as the significant-change service) to avoid draining your battery and look after you.