速報APP / 個人化 / Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:206,kshma soc A.k.Road Surat

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification(圖1)-速報App

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification app provides color effects, will run around your screen when incoming calls or new notification arrive. Take your phone down to see the magic.

You can chose specific application to display in notification edge.

Your screen will be rounded corners & color notification like the trending phone such as: Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S9 and Samsung Galaxy S10 etc.

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification(圖2)-速報App

Attractive notification rounded corners with animation will appear on screen when new notifications or incoming are available.

Customize options for user:

- Set Edge Lighting Duration

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification(圖3)-速報App

- Set Edge Lighting Speed (slow, normal and fast)

- Set Edge Lighting, Edge thickness (small, medium and large)

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification app features:

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification(圖4)-速報App

- Display while notification for incoming call

- Display while screen off or lock

- Display while incoming notification

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification(圖5)-速報App

- Edge Line color or set mix color

- You can select any application for applying edge effects

- Galaxy Edge Lighting, Galaxy Edge Rounded Corners, Galaxy Edge Notification effect, Rounded Corners

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification(圖6)-速報App

- Edge Lighting, Edge Rounded Corner, Edge Notification, Galaxy Edge Lighting

Note :

- If Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification not working then turn on notification access permission to use features.

Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification(圖7)-速報App

- Open Phone Manager Apps (or Settings app) -> Permission Manager -> choose Applications tab -> select Edge Lighting & Edge Color Notification -> enable Draw over other apps