速報APP / 娛樂 / VidTube




檔案大小:35.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



- Did you ever wish you had a simple way to upload videos from multiple computer on your iPhone/iPod/iPad?

- Did you wish you could enjoy your offline and online videos from one app.

I had those requirements and so I created VidTube for myself. I hope you enjoy this app as much as I do.


VidTube Features


- Universal app for your iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad.


- Pick your favorite color style from a list of 15 Themes.

- Easily upload your videos from multiple computers in your house using iTunes File Sharing.

- Import your videos from Camera Roll.

- Support for Picture in Picture.

- Support for split screen multitasking.

- Import Videos from other apps that support document sharing like iCloud Drive, Dropbox and others.

- Use AirDrop to share videos with other nearby users.


- Beautiful interface and auto-generated thumbnails for your videos.

- Videos are arranged by Albums.

- Search your Albums/Videos.

- Browse and watch Videos from YouTube.

- AirPlay videos using AppleTV.

- Continue listening to videos as audio only in background. Great for music videos.



All this for a very very affordable price of Free!!!



支援平台:iPhone, iPad