速報APP / 娛樂 / tutorials of tie knots.

tutorials of tie knots.





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



tutorials of tie knots.(圖1)-速報App

Most men use only a tie knot all their lives.

Most of us may tie the same tie knot because we do not have an easy guide that shows us how to experiment with other ways of knotting it.

tutorials of tie knots.(圖2)-速報App

Many times the day that we have to dress elegant we have no one and we do not know how to tie our knots.

Thanks to these instructions you will not need anyone to get elegant.

tutorials of tie knots.(圖3)-速報App

We have many easy tutorials to tie, tie knot, with these simple steps you can have your tie very elegant and you can make thousands of different knots.

Some types of knots are:

tutorials of tie knots.(圖4)-速報App

- The Four in Hand: It is easy to tie, slender, slightly asymmetric and automatic release.

- Half Windsor: It is best used with ties of a thickness between medium and narrow.

tutorials of tie knots.(圖5)-速報App

- Windsor: The Windsor offers a solid and symmetrical triangular knot that works best with a wide neck.

You can not hesitate to download this free application, with this tutorial manual we give you the steps, and pictures of each movements of the knots.

tutorials of tie knots.(圖6)-速報App

You will see thousands of photos of different tie knot, making a knot with this application is very easy.

free application, with a fantastic manual, photos, tutorials of very simple steps. You can make a very elegant and easy to do tie.

tutorials of tie knots.(圖7)-速報App

Download this free application and you will not regret it, we will show you a very complete manual of tie and knots, both classic and original, the best free and very easy to do.

tutorials of tie knots.(圖8)-速報App