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Global Vision Lifestyle





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Global Vision Lifestyle(圖1)-速報App

Global for the hearts that we touch, the minds we spark... cultural creators and the international innovators. All the different shades we welcome, sizes we embrace. Different walks of life we lean on to learn more. Diversity of rituals and resources that incubate our minds and creativity..were surgical when we found our niche, we know how we can grow stronger. There is strength in numbers. We are Legends!

Global Vision Lifestyle(圖2)-速報App

Vision for our perception, the ambition that got you out of bed. The love for the hustle, your grind, the burning grit inside! Vision is for the child holding on to his or her dream of being different, not being compliant with "just settling". It's for holding on to that success story, the overwhelming struggle you embraced in the name of your desire, your destiny. Vision is reaching for what's right in front of you!

Global Vision Lifestyle(圖3)-速報App

Lifestyle is about chasing who you are 10 years from now! It's the ephiny, the euphoria, that Final lap. It's about walking that stage for that piece of paper that states you deserve every opportunity coming your way! The grand finale, the Lifestyle is your idol or mentor saying I'm glad you made it. The moment when you say all of those days of struggling and tears and sweat equity... for this very second right here.. It was all worth it! It's about having someone to chase! Why not chase a better you every day!

Global Vision Lifestyle(圖4)-速報App

Global Vision Lifestyle(圖5)-速報App