速報APP / 生活品味 / My Clock

My Clock





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:4444 Via Marina #P811 Marina del Rey, CA 90292

My Clock(圖1)-速報App

A simple alarm clock with weather. Turn your tablet into a desktop alarm clock and cut down on the clutter. Perfect for a bedside alarm clock when used with a dock or stand.


- Large, easy to read time and weather display.

- 12 or 24 hour clock display.

- Dual alarms with adjustable snooze and customizable sounds.

- Large Snooze button that you can hit without looking.

- Adjustable alarm frequency: daily, weekdays, weekend, or custom days.

- 4 day weather forecast.

- Forecast panel can be switched to a calendar.

My Clock(圖2)-速報App

- Adjustable brightness.

- Customizable background.

- Customizable text color.

- Timed playback of white noise and nature sounds for use as a sleep aid.

- Works in Portrait or Landscape mode.

- Night Mode w/ adjustable time range.

- Option to automatically launch when docked or charging.

- Alarm time displayed in notification.

- Snooze and Dismiss buttons in notification (Android 4.1.2+)

My Clock(圖3)-速報App

- Available in English and German.

My Clock(圖4)-速報App