速報APP / 工具 / KindCar



檔案大小:2.4 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。



KindCar is a service which provides courtesy visual inspections of vehicles parked in large commercial lots. Our professional, uniformed technicians evaluate cars for exterior damage and safety issues and immediately find the most affordable car repair quote from the best repair providers in the local area. This information is then printed on a customized slip and left behind within a discreet non-residue adhesive envelope attached to the driver's side window.

This KindCar app is used by our technicians to quickly generate quotes for the issues they find with each vehicle. It allows them to:

* look up information for a specific vehicle by license plate number and state

* manually enter vehicle year, make and model

* specify the type of damage that needs to be repaired

* generate a quote for that vehicle to repair the damage

* print a slip with a description of the damage they found, along with a suggested plan-of-action for getting it fixed and the lowest quote available in the area

* optionally send a customer his/her quote directly via SMS rather than printing it out

支援平台:iPhone, iPad