速報APP / 攝影 / HDR Pro Camera

HDR Pro Camera





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:M-Apps Burgundergasse 16 2353 Guntramsdorf VatId: ATU65687367 Legal (german): Kammerzugehörigkeit: WKO Niederösterreich Branche: Dienstleistung in der automatischen Datenverarbeitung und Informationstechnik

HDR Pro Camera(圖1)-速報App

HDR Pro Camera creates well-exposed full-resolution pictures captured with the phone's camera and from already stored pictures. Therefore two or three pictures with different exposures are stitched into one HDR image. Various parameters can be contolled such as saturation, brightness, contrast, details, picture alignment and others.


HDR Pro Camera(圖2)-速報App

- Create natural looking, well exposed photos.

- Input from camera or photo gallery.

HDR Pro Camera(圖3)-速報App

- Enable/disable automatic alignment.

- Full resolution supported (limited by available device RAM).

HDR Pro Camera(圖4)-速報App

- Parameters for highlights, shadows, details, edges, saturation, brightness

Note: depending on the picture dimensions a lot of RAM is used for a short time. We recommend to use HDR Pro Camera only on devices with more than 512 MB of RAM.

HDR Pro Camera(圖5)-速報App