速報APP / 健康塑身 / 30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:App Xpert teglholmsgade 6a, st th copenhagen sv, 2450 Denmark

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall Solution(圖1)-速報App

71% people of the world are suffering from low hair growth & hair fall, so Hair Care, Growth: Prevent Hair Fall 30 Days Home Workout App first ever hair growth workout app on google play is a solution to how to stop hair fall.

Hair Care, Growth: Prevent Hair Fall Home Workout App will include the following home training plans and workout programs

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall Solution(圖2)-速報App

• 7 Days Startup Workout Plan to stop hair fall and hair care

• 30 Days Excess Hair Growth Workout Plan to reduce Hairloss

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall Solution(圖3)-速報App

• Daily Exercises for Natural Hair Growth & Hair Falling Out

• Healthy Food & Hair Vitamins that are best to thick hair & hair fall solution.

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall Solution(圖4)-速報App

• Hair Growth Calculator

Hair Care, Growth: Prevent Hair Fall Home Workout 30 Days is the perfect & specifically designed Hair Growth Exercises that will result in Hair Fall treatment in home workout.

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall Solution(圖5)-速報App

Hair Care, Growth: Prevent Hair Fall Home Workout 30 Day Innovative Features

• Different Exercises during 7 Days & 30 Days Workout Plan

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall Solution(圖6)-速報App

• No equipment needed, workout anywhere

• Training intensity increases day by day

30 Days Hair Growth: Tips for Hair Fall Solution(圖7)-速報App

• Clear description of each exercise for healthy hair growth

• Calculate your hair growth in inches