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Beth Maranga





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聯絡地址:Miss Etiquette Services, Tegla Lorupe Rd.off Mombasa Road, P.o Box 6400-00200, Nairobi Kenya Email: info@missetiquetteafrica.com

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Elizabeth Maranga, popularly known us Beth Maranga “BM” a certified image and Etiquette consultant, passionate about helping individuals and organizations improve their image for personal, professional and Business reasons. I guide them on how to project a positive image through their Appearance, Behavior and Communication. I enjoy imparting these often neglected but very crucial soft skills .This helps both the individual and the organization to gain a winning advantage in today’ competitive business environment.

Business Image and etiquette in today’s global society is not an option, it is an essential requirement. We train employees to distinguish themselves; develop and maintain business relationships with a cutting edge difference, strengthen your business presence, project a positive, confident, professional image and reputation and thrive in any situation with finesse and polish.

I have delivered training to several organizations including, Board of registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors Kenya (BORAQS), Trade Winds Aviation Services, Northern Star Credit Finance, KCA University, Daystar University, Many Church groups, and organized youth groups and Young Professionals .Consulting

I have a team of Professional Business & Etiquette Consultants and Partners .We have trained and assisted individuals across many sectors to create a lasting impact. We support them in managing the major uncertainties they face in international, corporate business, and social etiquette. No matter how complex your protocol and etiquette questions are; we have the capabilities and experience to deliver the training that you need to move forward.

Our aim is to support you in designing, managing and executing lasting business, professional, and social relationships. The training sessions are executed through flexible delivery models. As one of the East Africa leading protocol schools, we can help you take decisive action and achieve sustainable results while having fun doing it. Individual briefings are designed to increase your self-confidence and leadership abilities. We are accessible for personal consultations, contact us for an evaluation.

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Digital Etiquette

Digital Etiquette

Executive Presence

Executive Presence

Color Psychology

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Color Psychology

In business, presentation is everything! Without preparation, knowledge, skill and training, it is nearly impossible to put your best foot forward and stand out in the crowd. Everyday, hiring and promotion opportunities are lost, teams are rendered ineffective, customer loyalty wanes, and professional relationships are compromised due to avoidable mistakes in etiquette (through conduct or presentation).

To succeed in today’s highly competitive market you need an advantage. Regardless of your industry or profession, the manner in which you conduct business far outweighs a “superior” product or service. Learn etiquette skills that will give you that advantage and help you outclass your competition.

Professional Business Etiquette can help you identify necessary skills to better impact your business and social relationships and improve your overall success. We teach you diplomacy strategies and help you develop professional savvy to effectively navigate through daily life in a manner that is more productive, fulfilling and profitable. Through our etiquette coaching and training programs you will learn invaluable skills and discover how to:

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Make powerful first impressions

Conduct yourself with confidence and class in business and social situations

Navigate workplace dynamics with diplomacy

Strengthen relations within your professional community

Remove the anxiety of business socializing

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Network with ease and effectiveness


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