




版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Timeout presents daily halachic times with the exclusive addition of a countdown for the next upcoming halachic time.

The times presented in this app are adapted to the city/town requested.


This app is especially useful for people who daven k’vasikin and need to know the exact time of the visible sunrise.

It is also useful for late-risers who want to know how much time is left until sof zman krias shma or sof zman tefillah


It is also useful for people who regularly daven close to sof zman tefillah

It’s also extremely useful for mohels who need to clarify sunset times and how much time remains until sunset in almost every location in Eretz Yisroel and the world.


The halachic times in this app are presented with the courtesy of Rabbi Chaim Keller, Shlita, author of the “Bikurei Yosef” tables and “The Chai Tables,” and are based on the important website “Chai Tables.”

One can select from the following halachic opinions offered in the app:


Ha Magen Avraham, Ha’Groh, Baal HaTanya, Ben Ish Chai, HaRav HaGaon Zalman Boruch Melamed, Shlita

The following is a list of the halachic times and other items presented in this app:


The Hebrew Date; times of dawn (alos), the times of the mishor sunrise, the astronomical sunrise, and the visible sunrise, the earliest time for tallis and tefillin (zman heker), the times of sof zman krias shema, sof zman tefillah, chatzos hayom, minchah ktanah, and plag mincha, candle lighting times, the times of the mishor sunset, the astronomical sunset, and the visible sunset, and the times of twilight (tzeis ha’kochavim) of 25 minutes, of 8.5 degrees, and of Rabeinu Tam, and the time of midnight (chatzos Laylah).

There is no need for continuous Internet connection as long as settings haven’t changed.


This app has a readable and user friendly format.

Key words: z’manim, halachic times, tefillah, prayer, davening, tefillos, tefillot, zman, zemanim, neitz, sunrise, haneitz, krias shema, krait shema, visible surnise, visible sunset, netz hanireh, skiya hanires


One should ask a shailas chochom before choosing a halachic opinion to follow.

The Timeout app presents the halachic times with count down in addition to the regular halachic times, which allows the user to view the time remaining for each halachic time in every place.

We thank Rabbi Chaim Keller for allowing us to use his halachic times from his website “The Chai Tables”. The Chai Tables website in Eretz Yisroel operates thanks to the generous hospitality of OpenApp’s (Open Source Solutions, www.openapp.co.il)