速報APP / 生活品味 / Revert To Type

Revert To Type



檔案大小:4.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Revert To Type(圖1)-速報App

Want to Improve Friendships, Relationships and Increase your chance of Promotion? Read on...

Most of us have heard of the phrase "Reverting to Type".

But what does it mean? What is "Type"?

Revert To Type(圖2)-速報App

How will knowing my "Type" help me?

Revert To Type™ answers all these questions.

Revert To Type™ is fast, fun and easy to use.

Revert To Type(圖3)-速報App

You answer a few simple questions. Then you can browse through insights for a whole range of Personality Types, not just your own. What each Type may prefer or enjoy, what may irritate or annoy them, how they may irritate or annoy others. You can use this knowledge to spot, and stop, many conflicts and disagreements before they get out of hand.

Demonstrated in tests to be more accurate than more extensive tools based on similar theories... yet it takes only seconds to complete. So you can use it with friends, family and as a fun way to break the ice and see how different we all are from each other.

There’s even a unique “Caricatures - just for fun” section that takes a light-hearted view of different types.

Revert To Type(圖4)-速報App

Make sure you have the advantage of understanding different Personality Types by using this powerful yet easy-to-use application, Revert To Type™.

Seriously the best of its Type.

Revert To Type(圖5)-速報App
