速報APP / 教育 / Students Records Management

Students Records Management





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Students Records Management(圖1)-速報App

Developed student registration app based on SQLite database. If there is no registered user found in the database, the user will be first asked to create an account. After registration, the admin will be redirected to log in page and followed by successful login, the admin will be able to store the records of the students’ department wise and academic year wise & perform CRUD.In the case, if the admin has forgotten the login password, the password can also be easily recovered in the appeared dialog fragment after clicking 'forget password' by correctly answering the security question which was chosen at the time of registration. User session login, session logout, choice of the dynamically generated user entered streams displayed in spinner and choice of the year from spinner have been saved in Shared Preferences. The user will be prevented from inserting duplicate student roll number, invalid email/phone number. All database items are fetched into the list view where particular student profile can be easily retrieved by searching name/roll wise clicking on the action bar menu search icon. After going into individual student profile, in the dynamically generated fragments, admin can upload the picture of the student from the camera and save students marks as well as admin will be able to see the previous academic records of every student and average marks can be calculated by clicking done on the keyboard after entering at least two semesters marks .User entered CGPA above 10 is considered as invalid and will be carefully replaced with 10.The user can also delete any particular student record or particular stream and in that case, all the related records will be automatically deleted.

Students Records Management(圖2)-速報App

Students Records Management(圖3)-速報App

Students Records Management(圖4)-速報App

Students Records Management(圖5)-速報App

Students Records Management(圖6)-速報App

Students Records Management(圖7)-速報App

Students Records Management(圖8)-速報App