速報APP / 工具 / Basic Accessory Demo

Basic Accessory Demo





版本需求:Android 3.1 以上版本



Basic Accessory Demo(圖1)-速報App

This demo provides a simple example on how to interface from an Android device to an accessory using the Open Accessory framework added in v2.3.4+ and v3.1+ versions of the Android OS. The demo controls 8 LEDs on the board by touching the LED pictures on the screen, indicates the push button status of the board, and provides a percentage indication of the potentiometer. This demo also only shows how to use the host mode accessory implementation using the API10 android.hardware.usb library. This version works only for v3.1+ devices (API12+).

The firmware, documentation, and additional information are available at www.microchip.com/android.

Version 1.4

* Fixed issue where data from the Android device was sent twice to the Accessory (introduced in v1.3)

Version 1.3:

* Workaround issue where Read() call does not throw exception upon close. This allows the use of orientation changes, back button, and home button

Basic Accessory Demo(圖2)-速報App

* Requires new firmware to take advantage of these features. Firmware will be available in October at www.microchip.com/mal in the v2011-10 release.

Version 1.2:

* added Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Localization support.

* disabled LED buttons when accessory is not attached.

Version 1.0:

* Initial release supporting v3.1+ devices with android.hardware.usb library (API12)

* Supports host mode accessories only.