速報APP / 教育 / Duke Micro Econ Chapter 10

Duke Micro Econ Chapter 10





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Duke Micro Econ Chapter 10(圖1)-速報App

14 animated graphs with voice overs take the user through an in-depth graphical exploration of consumer surplus, deadweight loss, derivation of marginal willingness to pay curves, and distortionary taxation. As animations unfold Professor Nechyba explains the underlying economics.

Uses can quickly access whichever animation or whichever portion of an animation they wish or view each graph in its entirety while listening to Professor Nechyba explain the underlying economics as the animations unfold.

Duke Micro Econ Chapter 10(圖2)-速報App

Animations may be played forward or in reverse (without sound), users may jump quickly through animations by segments or watch each animation in full and listen to each audio explanation.

App is applicable for any College Level Micro Economics curriculum.

Developed in conjunction with Professor Thomas Nechyba for the Undergraduate Micro Economics curriculum, Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, NC