速報APP / 美食佳飲 / DessertSouk




檔案大小:22.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Birthdays? Parties? Wedding anniversaries? Or are you dreaming about baking that wonderful cake you saw on the internet the other day?

Look no further. We have got the right solution for all your sweet problems. Introducing, first, of its kind, online startup catering to the sweet needs of Calicut foodies. Specializing in desserts and baking essentials; delivered right to your doorstep. You can indulge in a luxurious sweet dessert or take the pleasure of baking it yourself through our user-friendly app.

We are a young startup focusing on the southern state of India, Calicut. Our mission is to serve you . Regional, online dessert store in Calicut-Kerala. To our customers, we promise to deliver quality products and goods on time free of charge!!

Our list of desserts is not just limited to cakes. We have all the varieties like puddings, cookies, macaroons etc. We also provide baking essentials from spatula to ovens!! Now download our app and make your days sweeter. We will take care of delivering it your home.


## Key Features

* Focused in Calicut.

* Specializing in desserts and baking essentials.

* User-friendly app through which customers can order their preferred delicacies or baking essentials.


* Free of charge delivery.
