速報APP / 程式庫與試用程式 / Skeleton Placeholder View - Sample

Skeleton Placeholder View - Sample





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



Skeleton Placeholder View - Sample(圖1)-速報App

Sample App.

A Library designed to draw a Skeleton by "skinning" the view from a provided layout. Skeleton is composed of Bone with different properties, library usage defines which bones to be drawn before the view is skinned. Usually used as a Placeholder while loading a data before it is populated to a View. By using this library, creating a skeleton view is much simpler and dynamic as developers don't need to create specific skeleton layout.xml for each view, instead use this custom view to draw the shape as the specified layout.xml.

Skeleton Placeholder View - Sample(圖2)-速報App

Skeleton Placeholder View - Sample(圖3)-速報App

Skeleton Placeholder View - Sample(圖4)-速報App