速報APP / 地圖與導航 / ArcGIS Indoors

ArcGIS Indoors


檔案大小:260 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ArcGIS Indoors(圖1)-速報App

ArcGIS Indoors for iOS provides an indoor mapping experience for understanding the location of things and activities happening within your organization’s indoor environment. Using the wayfinding, routing, and location sharing capabilities to feel more connected to your workplace or campus, see increased levels of productivity and collaboration, and less time feeling the stress of being lost.

Wayfinding and Navigation

With indoor wayfinding and navigation, you will always know where to go within your organization, where your colleagues and friends are, and where there is available space to meet your needs. ArcGIS Indoors interfaces with Bluetooth and WiFi indoor positioning systems to show users where they are on an indoor map.

ArcGIS Indoors(圖2)-速報App

Explore and Search

With the ability to explore your organization and search for specific people, activities and events, offices and classrooms, and other points of interest, you will never have to wonder where something is located.

ArcGIS Indoors(圖3)-速報App

Calendar Integration

With calendar integration, see where your scheduled meetings are located and easily navigate between them knowing the estimated travel times and avoid being late for important events.

Events and Activities

ArcGIS Indoors(圖4)-速報App

With the ability to see the time and location of events and activities in the map, you can make the most of your time and plan ahead for the distance to travel between them.

Save Favorites

Save locations to My Places to easily find your favorite people, events, or other points of interest again.

ArcGIS Indoors(圖5)-速報App

Location Sharing

With location sharing, you can make others aware of a specific location whether you’re coordinating an impromptu meetup, helping others locate an item, or reporting a problem.

ArcGIS Indoors(圖6)-速報App


Use the 311 capability to report incidents to your organization’s Information Systems or Facilities departments for issues with indoors assets or locations.

Location Tracking

With location tracking, your organization can identify your location to support directing resources or others to support ongoing activities.

ArcGIS Indoors(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad