版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本
Matches teeth color to direct composites. For dental professionals only. This colorimetry application selects the best shade for direct anterior restorations. It is completely customizable and will only suggest materials available in your practice based on your profile. Setting-up your profile will allow you to guide selection only to materials you currently use. Materials list will continuously be updated and include new shades and manufacturers. Changing your profile preferences is possible at any time in the case you wish to use a different composites kit. If you like to suggest a material to be included in the list, please e-mail at admin@dentalshade.com. The application is free for use while for the evaluation period, will always be free to download yet a minimal charge per use will be applied after evaluation period. You will still be able to test-run it for five clinical cases to see if I apply properly to your practice. If any comments or suggestions, please write to our e-mail. A reference point (grey-card) with known color parameters will be necessary for picture calibration process. You can use any grey-card you like or even use your own-made. Application offers the option to set your own reference point Lab-values. This is the first method tο calibrate and match teeth translucency to materials. Using the DSN card (will be soon available to buy online) will give you the option of measuring and matching translucency. For Class IV and Veneer cases, when DSN card is in use, software will primarily match translucency and then luminosity, while for all other combinations will match translucency first, whiteness/yellowness following. This is an application developed from dentists for dentists and includes meticulous and persistent color measurements. Calculating shade values of direct materials is a time-consuming and demanding procedure, so please be patient if your favorite material is not yet in the list. Will be loaded in time. For instructions of use and tips, please be advised from our web site, www.dentalshade.com