速報APP / 健康塑身 / HabitChanger






版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:265 Franklin Street Suite 1702 Boston, MA 02110


Just ate a donut? No problem. Click the red button.

Just worked out? Click the green button.

Ate an orange instead of a pop-tart today? Good for you. Click the green button.

Every Monday, check your weight. Did you lose weight? If yes, the 7 day average number is about where you need to be to lose weight every week.

If you got fatter, your 7 day average number is a little too low to lose weight. You need to add some more good behaviors and bring your average up next week.

Don't sweat the details anymore, the calories, the time worked out, what you did working out, what you ate... ain't nobody got time for dat! Just track the behavior, good, or bad.

Don't worry about the "what" anymore, just track what you did as good or bad. Everyone knows what is good for their diet and what is bad. HabitChanger takes all the hairy boring details out of the equation.


Use this HabitChanger to change your bad habits into good ones. It is very easy to use and takes very little time.

Are you tired of counting calories and eventually giving up and getting fatter?

Forget about counting calories. Just track your good and bad behaviors instead with a simple click of the button in HabitChanger.

HabitChanger tracks your good and bad moves throughout the day and gives you a daily and weekly average. You just ate a donut? Click the red button. You just exercised? Click the green button. And so on throughout your day.

Then, every Monday, check your weight and your HabitChanger average. If you lost weight, you know that average number is a good one to continue losing weight. If you gained weight, you know you have to do a few more good habits in the following week to bring the average up, and find out at what point you start losing weight.

Extremely easy to use, and it works very well.

And once you fix all your bad eating/exercising habits, pick a new habit, and start tracking that. Like every time you clean a room in the house, or take out the trash... or track your kid's hockey plus minus, or shots against your daughter who is a goalie. Or track how many times you curse. You can use it for any bad habit.

Please feel free to write in the comments the habits you are using HabitChanger to fix.