版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Prestissimo is an open source library that adds variable speed playback functionality to your audio applications. It is a free drop-in replacement for the Presto Sound Library Open Beta. It is used to speed up podcast and audiobook playback.
You must use a podcatcher or audio player that supports Presto. The player will provide the interface to control playback speed. This means you will not see Prestissimo in your app drawer because the app installs as a service.
If you currently use Presto or another service that uses the Presto API, you should uninstall it before installing Prestissimo.
Prestissimo should work with any app that supports Presto, but it is currently confirmed to work with:
- AntennaPod
- BeyondPod
- Akimbo
Prestissimo currently supports Android 4.1+ only.
The code for Prestissimo is open source, Apache licensed, and available at https://github.com/TheRealFalcon/Prestissimo
Internet permissions are required for streaming purposes.
Read external storage required to read and play the media files.