版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
聯絡地址:Al centro dell’ecosistema torinese dell’innovazione la Fondazione LINKS opera all’interno di un consolidato network internazionale con l’obiettivo di contribuire al progresso tecnologico e scientifico attraverso processi avanzati di ricerca applicata. Partner d’eccellenza per organizzazioni pubbliche e private intenzionate ad affrontare progetti di innovazione tecnologica e sviluppo del territorio, si distingue per l’elevata competenza e multidisciplinarità del capitale umano, cuore pulsante della Fondazione. La sede della Fondazione si trova in via Pier Carlo Boggio 61 ed è raggiungibile da due accessi pedonali: Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59 (principale) e Corso Castelfidardo 34/D (secondario). Puoi contattarci telefonando al numero 011 2276150 o inviando una mail a info@linksfoundation.com
By using the WaterWatt App you can learn how to improve energy efficiency in Industrial Water Circuits. This App aims at providing knowledge about the energy efficiency in form of Drops and Quizzes. These two sections are complementary to each other, allowing you to learn by reading Drops and then testing your understanding by doing Quizzes. They have been built starting from the resources avaiable on the WaterWatt E3 Platform.
The WaterWatt E3 Platform is a result of the WaterWatt project.
The Project WaterWatt "Improvement of energy efficiency in industrial water circuits using gamification for online self-assessment, benchmarking and economic decision support", which has been started at 1st of April 2016, has the main objective of increasing energy efficiency in industrial water circuits.
The project is coordinated by DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, in a consortium of six partners from Germany (BFI), Portugal (ISQ), Norway (SINTEF), Italy (LINKS) and the UK (Cardiff University's School of Social Sciences).
The WaterWatt project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 695820.