



版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Qualified persons enter the National Service discouraged at what it entails and oblivious to the challenges it presents. As a result, many have completed the service stressed; uninspired and regretful.

This booklet provides the orientation needed to prepare you for it. It equips you with the knowledge necessary to identify and deal with the challenges up ahead. More importantly, this booklet helps you to see the need to nurture skills for your future and come out of your service successful.


Over the years, many who have served in the National Service Scheme have associated discomforts and agony to the service and thus those who subsequently qualify dread their enrollment.

An effective way to help deal with the notion about the scheme and better prepare all prospective personnel into the service is through the publication of this booklet entitled “Memoirs of a National Service Person”.



Memoirs of a National Service Person, as the title goes, normally begin by addressing some notions that have been created on most minds. It eventually re-orients the personnel’s mind on the true outlook on any situation or event during the service.

It is not just another booklet that spells out the rules and regulations of the Scheme as may already exist. Neither does it claim to be the only legal reference about the scheme. It doesn’t invalidate the already existing educational programs organized by the secretariat but rather augments it.

It points out challenges that the personnel may go through, self-inflicted or otherwise as a result of fulfilling his part as a citizen.

It also makes practical suggestions as to how to overcome these challenges encountered and even where possible, direct the personnel to the appropriate source for assistance.



The publication will help to adequately educate the student body about what the service really entails. They would be thus better oriented for any daunting task they may encounter as they strive to serve and come out successful

Its guidance will help to hone requisite skills necessary for surviving the world of employment.