速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Funky Faces iSticker

Funky Faces iSticker


檔案大小:7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Funky Faces iSticker(圖1)-速報App

Get funky with your friends using the new 'Funky Faces iSticker' pack! These hilarious animated faces will make your friends cry with laughter! Everyone else is using them, so why aren't you? Download from the App Store today!

This collection of animated digital stickers come in a variety of colours and facial expressions. Combined with frequently used phrases such as 'LOL' and 'OMG', all you need to do is simply drag and drop them onto your text messages.

Funky Faces iSticker(圖2)-速報App

Fun Stickers enhances your conversations with just the tap of your thumb! Add our iStickers to your messages and make your conversations more colourful and dynamic. Communicate using Fun Stickers today!

Explore our range of products and leave a review. We would love to hear feedback from our customers.

Funky Faces iSticker(圖3)-速報App

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Funky Faces iSticker(圖4)-速報App

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Facebook: Fun Stickers

Funky Faces iSticker(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad