速報APP / 教育 / NYSORA Nerve Blocks

NYSORA Nerve Blocks



檔案大小:27.2 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


NYSORA Nerve Blocks(圖1)-速報App

NYSORA’s application is the most practical and authoritative reference guide to ultrasound-guided nerve blocks featuring:

- Standardized regional anesthesia procedures and management protocols

- Most clinically applicable excerpts from NYSORA’s best selling textbooks

- Easy-to-navigate menu with a comprehensive collection of regional anesthesia techniques for head and neck, upper extremity, lower extremity, thoracic, and abdominal wall blocks

- NYSORA’s trademark functional regional anatomy and reverse ultrasound anatomy used in lectures by instructors worldwide

NYSORA Nerve Blocks(圖2)-速報App

- Sensory and motor block, patient positioning, landmarks, and logical step-by-step technique instructions

- The most popular tips from NYSORA’s fabled boutique ultrasound-guided nerve block workshops

- Updated, algorithm-driven approach to the prevention, diagnosis, and management of nerve injury and local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)

- Teaching collection of must-have for anatomy images, videos, and reverse ultrasound illustrations created by NYSORA

- Study material for ultrasound certification

NYSORA Nerve Blocks(圖3)-速報App

- Continuous addition of new updates, teaching material, ultrasound images, and videos

Upgrade to:

- Learn all standardized nerve block procedures

- Gain access to patient management protocols

- Build own regional anesthesia service

NYSORA Nerve Blocks(圖4)-速報App

- Use teaching material for own presentations

- Access regional anesthesia documentation templates

- Access reverse anatomy animations

- Access real-life clinical teaching videos

- Use the simulation exercises to learn ultrasound skills

NYSORA Nerve Blocks(圖5)-速報App

- Get updates on joint replacement fast-tracking protocols

- Be informed on anticoagulation guidelines

NYSORA Nerve Blocks(圖6)-速報App