速報APP / 生活品味 / Rise Kiosk

Rise Kiosk



檔案大小:69.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Rise Kiosk(圖1)-速報App

The Rise Kiosk App is designed for cutting edge properties that wish to provide their teams and occupants with high tech convenience that today’s world expects. Our Rise Kiosk App takes complex, time-consuming and repetitive visitor authorization operations, streamlines them into always on, in the palm of your hand tech for Management, Staff and Occupants.

Rise Kiosk provides:

- Fast Visitor Access Control

- Ability To Scan Rise Pass For Pre-Authorized Visitors

- Electronic Visitor Log Including Pictures

- Display Confirmation From Occupants On Access Request

- Automated Calling As Backup Notification

If you are looking for a convenient way to keep your Staff and Occupants up to speed, if you want a platform where everyone in your Community can communicate without barriers about Services they are interested in, if you like peace of mind by having all the data you could ask for at your fingertips – THEN THE RISE BUILDINGS SOLUTION is for YOU!

Contact us and get ready for the ultimate Concierge!!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad