速報APP / 家庭 / Drawings and figures

Drawings and figures





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Republica Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Herrera urb. Olimpo, C/hermes, #37

Drawings and figures(圖1)-速報App

Drawings and Figures for children is a simple and fun game, with which babies will exercise their brain, imagination and creativity, while entertaining.

It is an educational children's game, containing several screens, with entertaining landscapes and background music

Drawings and figures(圖2)-速報App


It is demonstrated that the resolution of puzzles helps in the development of children's abilities and abilities, such as: motor skills, creativity, spatial skills, language and self-esteem, among others.

Drawings and figures(圖3)-速報App

Put the image to which the photo corresponds:

This game will help you to generate the motor skills, in a fun way every three supposed images get a new screen with different background and also a celebration with explosions of balloons and gifts, to stimulate their self-esteem.

Drawings and figures(圖4)-速報App

Put the corresponding figure.

This will help you to identify the different geometric figures, once you press the image its name is described the way the association is done interactively, it contains images with different colors and in the form of caricature, such as: Cylinder, circle, square , Cube, ellipse, hexagon, parallelogram, pentagon, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid and triangle.

Drawings and figures(圖5)-速報App

This game is totally free and is translated into the following languages: English, Spanish, German. French, Italian, Roman, Catalan, Portuguese, German and others.

It is recommended that in order to use the languages ​​download the TTs in the language

Drawings and figures(圖6)-速報App

To get a better translation.

* For all games we recommend the active participation of the parents.

Drawings and figures(圖7)-速報App

* I hope you install and enjoy this beautiful game, which will definitely help your children.

* You are the most important to us, please comment for us.

Drawings and figures(圖8)-速報App