速報APP / 生活品味 / Ideas Nail Art Designs

Ideas Nail Art Designs





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本


Ideas Nail Art Designs(圖1)-速報App

We are very happy that you decided to come here, if you install this nail art designs application for girls you will have a very nice surprise namely you will be able to enjoy of all colors that combine to create a spectacular manicure. Every day we have to look good but women are more careful about how they prepare, a woman needs a perfect manicure and therefore we decided to make an application that can help all women. Here you can learn to create unique models, you'll learn to combine colors and even you will be informed about what is fashionable. If you want to go to a party theme here you'll be able to receive the help you need your nails to match the chosen theme.

It is very easy to install this application and is free.

Ideas Nail Art Designs(圖2)-速報App

- You will be able to use it easily;

- If you like a certain image you'll be able to save her and then distribute it on all social networks;

Ideas Nail Art Designs(圖3)-速報App

- You will be able to receive advice regarding manicure;

- This app offers realistic images;

Ideas Nail Art Designs(圖4)-速報App

- You can choose from several collections of patterns;

- You'll find nail designs for any event (Halloween nails, glitter nails, pink nails, Christmas nails, valentines day nails, floral nails, cartoon nails, summer nails, wedding nails, acrylic nails, easy nails, stiletto nails, party nails, polka dots nails and many more).

Ideas Nail Art Designs(圖5)-速報App

Install application and every day you will have the most beautiful nails.

Ideas Nail Art Designs(圖6)-速報App