速報APP / 生產應用 / BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver

BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:41-909 Bytom, Krotka 7 Poland

BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver(圖1)-速報App

As the need of EXTRA POWER arises, effective battery BOOSTER comes to rescue!

★ Do you play this summer HIT GAME and your phone battery is dead non-stop?

★ Do you shudder at the thought of external power-banks to provide you with extra energy?

★ Or are you just a down-to-earth guy who wants to use the phone MUCH MORE longer?

BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver(圖2)-速報App

If one of your answers is YES, then BOOSTER TO GO battery saver is a perfect solution for you.

It gives a super KICK to your phone battery and allows you to enjoy any turned on app MUCH LONGER than before.

How does BOOSTER TO GO work?

It’s simple!

BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver(圖3)-速報App

BOOSTER TO GO saves your phone battery because it:

- puts a black overlay on any turned on app

- lowers the screen brightness or disables the screen if rooted

- offers 5 levels of pixel savers for those who want to use the screen non-stop

BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver(圖4)-速報App

Why to install BOOSTER TO GO battery saver?

Because it is:

- RELIABLE as prepared by respected developers of Studio Extreme


BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver(圖5)-速報App

- FREE of irritating ads and bloatware

- regularly UPDATED

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Use this contact form: http://academyextreme.com/contact/

BOOSTER TO GO - battery saver(圖6)-速報App