速報APP / 遊戲 / Commanager HD - Cities

Commanager HD - Cities





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Rua Humberto I -236 Cj 41 - 04018-030

Commanager HD - Cities(圖1)-速報App


Grow up your business in Commanager

From creators of Best Horror Game Called Pesadelo

Commanager is a strategy game where the player needs to create and manage a commercial building area shops , services, and be mindful of everything and all clients to sell and enrich with your strategy.

With a completely whole new way for managing , Commanager bring for player the experience of having their own stores, hire, fire , replenish stock and more.The player will experience a fun and easy way to manage small and large businesses at various times from customers dealing with wills and more.

Commanager HD - Cities(圖2)-速報App


- 4 different Brazilian cities to choose and play

- more than 40 types of stores to build and manage

- Daily events to unlock in-game

- A lot of missions to complete and increase sales

Commanager HD - Cities(圖3)-速報App

- Protest, fire , burglary and other situations to solve

- Intelligent and ready to buy customers

and much more

additional :

- The game is available in two languages ​​: English and Portuguese and can switch them in-game .

Commanager HD - Cities(圖4)-速報App

- Day n’ Night System, month and year with commercial holidays for help sales .

Please rate the game after play and every update to encourage us creating more free updates.

Commanager HD - Cities(圖5)-速報App