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Rock & Troll: roll the ball



檔案大小:65.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Rock & Troll: roll the ball(圖1)-速報App

● New amazing game: Rolling Ball Labyrinths

● Improve the coordination of left and right hands

● Fun Challenges: for all ages

Move the ball with sliders: horizontal and vertical together

Rock & Troll: roll the ball(圖2)-速報App

Eye-Hand Coordination Practice

From "The use of the iPad for poststroke hand rehabilitation; a pilot study"

and "Rehab-let: touchscreen tablet for self-training impaired dexterity post stroke: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial", D Rand. Department of Occupational Therapy Tel Aviv University, 2014

[...] Impaired dexterity of the weaker upper extremity is common post stroke and it is recommended that these individuals practice many repetitions of movement to regain function. However, stroke rehabilitation methods do not achieve the required intensity to be effective. Touchscreen tablet technology may be used as a motivating tool for self-training impaired dexterity of the weaker upper extremity post stroke.[...]

Rock & Troll: roll the ball(圖3)-速報App

[...]The individuals with stroke reported the iPad to have high usability (80.4±13.6/100 points) and all of the participants thought that the iPad could be used as a tool for rehabilitation of the weak hand poststroke[...]

[...]The fact that most of the participants enjoyed the experience highlights the potential of using the iPad with different apps as a motivating tool for intervention. Therefore, it is important to develop more apps specifically for hand rehabilitation that can be graded and provide reports of performance.[...]

Read whole text at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/259621292_The_use_of_the_iPad_for_poststroke_hand_rehabilitation_a_pilot_study


Rock & Troll: roll the ball(圖4)-速報App

»»» Try this new kind of puzzles !

»»»»»»» Can you solve them all?

Rock & Troll: roll the ball(圖5)-速報App
