速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Kuvert - Swedish Envelopes

Kuvert - Swedish Envelopes



檔案大小:8.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Kuvert - Swedish Envelopes(圖1)-速報App

Kuvert allows you to draw five different envelopes. These envelopes control different effect parameters, and can be drawn freely or onto a grid. The envelopes are looped, while the incoming audio isn’t (unless you’re feeding it looped material of course). This is a powerful & fun way of altering your sounds to a whole new level, sometimes not even recognizable! Thanks to the looping nature of the plug-in, it will fit very well into any musical context. One way of using it would be to revitalize any looped material within a few seconds.

Noteworthy features:

• Volume envelope

• Low cut filter envelope (with resonance)

• High cut filter envelope (with resonance)

• "Glitch" envelope (alters timing)

Kuvert - Swedish Envelopes(圖2)-速報App

• Delay send envelope (with tempo synchronised time, filter and feedback

• IAA (With tempo sync if host sends it)

• MIDI clock sync

• Load / Save presets

• Audiobus

• Documentation (on the product web page)

Kuvert - Swedish Envelopes(圖3)-速報App

Check out the product web page for a video demo.

Feedback or suggestions? Drop us a mail: support(at)klevgrand.se or @klevgrand on Twitter
