速報APP / 遊戲 / Anger (Boredom) Management

Anger (Boredom) Management





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:Singapore 823175

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖1)-速報App


- May cure your sickness of work

- May cure your sickness of countless long meeting with your boss

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖2)-速報App

- May cure your anger with someone

- Definitely help you space out

This app may offer some relief for you.

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖3)-速報App

Summon the Kraken demons to entertain you while you are stuck in a boring meeting.

Kraken demons come in the form of ads, summoned from the deep and dark web of Internet Marketing.

Advantages of Kraken demons (Ads):

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖4)-速報App

- They are mysterious and beyond human comprehension

- Occasionally they may decide to help or they may just refused to be summoned

- Their presence could be short or as long as 60 seconds

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖5)-速報App

- Most of them will speak to you (yes! someone is willing to)

- They offer products, services, games (you may not even be aware of the need)

Note that this app will consume mobile data, so do not engage in this activity for too long. Also note that some Kraken demons could be loud so lower your media volume or mute it completely.

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖6)-速報App

“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.”

~Christopher Reeve

“The first step is you have to say that you can”

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖7)-速報App

~Will Smith

Disclaimer: This app is our small rebellious voice against countless mindless stupid meetings. We decided to take some actions by developing this tongue in cheek app. Do something, talk to someone if you are down. Hope things turn up better for you.

God bless.

Anger (Boredom) Management(圖8)-速報App