速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / How to Use Power Phrases by Meryl Ruion

How to Use Power Phrases by Meryl Ruion





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


How to Use Power Phrases by Meryl Ruion(圖1)-速報App

Easy-to-master techniques for more effective communications in all areas of life

How to Use Power Phrases by Meryl Ruion(圖2)-速報App

In this breakthrough guide, communication guru Meryl Runion explains why effective communication is more than just a business tool. It is also the key to happier, healthier relationships, and greater personal fulfillment and business success. In How to Use Power Phrases to Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, & Get What You Want she introduces readers to the concept of power phrases--short, focused expressions that let people be direct and to the point without seeming brusque or nasty. In clear, down-to-earth language, illustrated with numerous vignettes and real-world examples, Runion teaches readers how to:

How to Use Power Phrases by Meryl Ruion(圖3)-速報App

Say what needs to be said without fear of misinterpretation or creating negative emotional responses

Master six basic methods for crafting power phrases for any setting and every social, professional, or interpersonal situation