版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
Never say "Good luck" to a sailing racer... in Italian we say "Buona Regata" only to our best opponents... "Wind in its sails" ? With the modern yacht design could be complicated and unproductive, so far... just "Fair wind, buon vento!"
IMPORTANT: This is the result of an ongoing research prototype project and it has to be considered a demo, so the FairWind application is far away to be considered a product for everyday use unless specified. In order to getting start and enjoy the demo please follow this link: http://fairwind.uniparthenope.it/?q=en/getting-start-fairwind-android-application
POWER REQUIREMENTS: FairWind is a server app gathering data from on board instruments and redistributing data between consumers. FairWind is power demanding both computational and electrical terms. Use FairWind with a Single Board Computer running Android or a tabled connected to a power source.
BOAT OWNERS: If you want to install or test FairWind on your boat, please contact the author.
FairWind is an integrated multifunctional navigation software based on open technologies leveraging on an infrastructure built on mobile and web technologies. It is also defined as “Android-based Smart, Cloud-Enabled Navigation System for small Yachts with Boat Apps for never-ending custom improvements”.
FairWind is the best crewmember on any kind of boat: from dinghies and inflatable boats to sailing yachts and luxury power boats because it is a common gateway interface for all boat data providing useful services. FairWind could act as chart potter, data logger, sailing instrument primary source and/or repeater, panel switch center, smart anchor alarm, tracker, performance analyzer and predictor, security, tactic board for racers, ports, protected bays and anchorage database for the cruisers… and many more things still not yet imagined!
FairWind is science friendly because each boat became a survey unit helping the scientist to save the marine world life and get more pervasive data on weather and ocean state. The user could chose to share more or less anonymized data receiving back high quality scientifically produced services.
FairWind is ubiquitous. With any web client ranging from a simple Pebble smart watch to top smartphone passing through a web enabled e-book reader anyone on the boat can interact with the FairWind services and web GUI respecting it’s role! (Right or wrong the Captain is the Captain)
FairWind is an university initiative born in the High Performance Scientific Computing Smart Laboratory (http://hpsc.uniparthenope.it) of the Department of Science and Technologies (DiST, http://dist.uniparthenope.it) at the University of Napoli Parthenope (UniParthenope, http://www.uniparthenope.ut) joining the effort of the “Sebeto – Student Creativity” (http://students.uniparthenope.it) and “Hack Arts Lab at UniParthenope” innovative teaching projects and the “Regional Centre for Marine and Atmosphere Monitoring and Modeling” (CCMMMA, http://meteo.uniparthenope.it) operated by the DiST. New motivated partners are welcome!