檔案大小:26.1 MB
版本需求:需要 iOS 12.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
Do you need a buddy? …for your wedding? Let WeddingBuddy to be the chosen one who welcomes your guests, organises your tables, makes sure you show up on time for your appointments and prevents you from spending all the money on cake.
Key features:
- Guests list: add name, phone number, attendance, side, table number
- Call a guest by clicking on phone icon
- Appointments list: add appointments to calendar and set reminders
- Manage expenses and check how far you are from overspending
- Supported languages: English, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian and Russian
Because we don’t keep your personal information on a server, if you upgrade from the Wedding Buddy the data saved in the free application will not be available in Wedding Buddy Premium.
Ai nevoie de ajutor sa iti organizeni nunta? WeddingBuddy te ajuta sa organizezi invitatii la masa, se asigura ca ajungi la timp la programari si evita cheltuirea intregului buget pe tort.
- Lista de invitati contine detalii despre: nume, numar de telefon, confirmare, din partea cui participa, numarul mesei
- Ca sa suni un invitat direct din aplicatie apasa pe telefonul din dreptul numarului
- Lista de programari: adauga programari in calendar si seteaza alarma inainte sau la data evenimentului
- Verifica cat de mult ai cheltuit si cat mai ai pana iti depasesti bugetul
- Nu folosim datele personale. Informatiile sunt salvate local in telefon
- Limbile suportate: Romana, Engleza, Spaniola, Portugheza, Franceza, Germana, Italiana si Rusa
Deoarece nu salvam informatiile personale pe un server, informatiile salvate in versiunea gratis WeddingBuddy nu vor fi disponibile in Wedding Buddy Premium.
支援平台:iPhone, iPad