速報APP / 健康塑身 / GAIN Yoga - free custom yoga routines fo

GAIN Yoga - free custom yoga routines fo



檔案大小:58.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 荷蘭文

GAIN Yoga - free custom yoga routines for men & women.(圖1)-速報App

GAIN Yoga tailors practices to any fitness level and zenfully guides you through progressive pose sequences, with HD images and real human voice. Take a journey through warming poses, apex poses and a meditative finish, with equal parts mindful relaxation and body improvement.

This app includes more than 150 dynamic poses. Additional features of GAIN Yoga include:

GAIN Yoga - free custom yoga routines for men & women.(圖2)-速報App

• CUSTOM WORKOUTS: multiple FREE workouts handcrafted by top yogis. Just use the convenient filters to refine the workouts down to your desired duration, body parts, and fitness level.

• GAIN-GUIDED EXPERIENCE*: Our award winning workout experience guides you through each practice with HD motion images, voice commands, and form cues spoken by real expert instructors.

GAIN Yoga - free custom yoga routines for men & women.(圖3)-速報App

• PROGRESS TRACKING: Track every set, rep, weight, and rest time. It’s so simple, you may not even notice it.

*Works well with or without headphones, an armband, a phone stand (recommended), and various workout equipment and phone handling scenarios. Also integrates seamlessly with your music player of choice.

GAIN Yoga - free custom yoga routines for men & women.(圖4)-速報App

Complete with a soothing musical soundtrack, GAIN Yoga invites you into a brand new system for exploring the physical and mental benefits of yoga—seamlessly integrated into the nooks and crannies of your busy lifestyle!

GAIN Yoga - free custom yoga routines for men & women.(圖5)-速報App
