速報APP / 娛樂 / Valentine´s Day Ideas for lovers

Valentine´s Day Ideas for lovers





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Valentine´s Day Ideas for lovers(圖1)-速報App

Are you ready for Valentine's Day? Well do not worry, in this App you will find the solution.

We have created a complete and easy to use App with everything essential to prepare a beautiful ST. Valentine.


- Main menu divided into 4 sections:

                              - Ideas: here we have compiled some ideas to celebrate that day

                                            in a special way

Valentine´s Day Ideas for lovers(圖2)-速報App

                              - Images: selection of beautiful images for share that day with

the person you love.

                              - Poems: some very nice poems that you can share

                                                 also and be a romantic.

                             - Gifts: we have created a list of possible gifts, created to hand

mainly, to surprise your partner.

Valentine´s Day Ideas for lovers(圖3)-速報App

Extra content:

- Extra section of "send a I LOVE YOU": if you click on it you will have the option to directly share the phrase "I love you".

We hope you enjoy that day and help our App.

Happy Valentine´s Day!

Informative note:

For any doubt or contribution contact our developer email.

Valentine´s Day Ideas for lovers(圖4)-速報App

Images taken from Freepik.

Valentine´s Day Ideas for lovers(圖5)-速報App