速報APP / 遊戲 / YouBluff




檔案大小:16.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



YouBluff: A Poker Social Game

YouBluff is a new kind of poker game: play a match of hide and seek and out bluff your friends!

Put your bluffing and strategic skills to the test and play games every day! Turn your cards, get the best score or bluff them all to win the day!!!

Game Features:

• Play & Bluff anytime, anywhere:

This great card game goes wherever you do. Play at home, with the family or take your bluff on the go with friends!

• Bluff whatever and whenever you want!


It is based on the rules of poker, but it’s not poker! Anytime you want to, you can declare a straight, a flush, a full house or even a poker or a unique royal flush to out bluff your friends and get more points: the first player who reaches 50 points wins! Bluff responsibly!

Extra Cards and Bluff Detectors give you an added edge:

• Turn an Extra Card to improve your score

• Use a Bluff Detector to unveil your opponent’s bluff: discover the best timing to push on and win the match!

YouBluff let's you check your stats:

• Win after win, improve your records

• Keep an eye on how you are doing!


• Become a YouBluff Master!

Connect and challenge players over Facebook:

• Play against friends and the game will track your rivalries!

• Brag about your wins by sharing them on your page.

Join the YouBluff epidemic and take this new game on the go so the whole family can enjoy hours of fun! Download YouBluff now and enjoy a fun, new poker game experience!

Good Luck!

The YouBluff Team.


Keywords: Youbluff, bluff, you bluff, poker, social poker, strategic poker, cards, card games, social games, bluff your friends, new poker, youpoker, poker hands, flush, royal flush, straight, three of a kind, pair, two pairs, full house


支援平台:iPhone, iPad