速報APP / 健康塑身 / Medico Helpline

Medico Helpline





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異




Medico Helpline(圖1)-速報App

For Doctors

Practice Management Mobile App along with cloud base Software for Clinics, Hospitals, Dialysis Centers, Gps

Physicians ,Cardiologist &;  Diabetologists

It's good for your Practice: Having an online Practice Mobile app does little to boost your presence on mobile

will work wonders as it all make you and your practice seem more professional. It will help bring your

Medico Helpline(圖2)-速報App

patient back in the future too, as they all find it much easier to remember the Specialty & Location of your

online Practice Profile.

Connect your patients at anytime and anyplace with, Medicohelpline app, No Training, No Setup. Its so easy.

Manage multiple location practices & patients with Central admin console app & update across your practices.

Digital & Printed Prescription generation within 2 to 3 minutes. Time Saving Features

Medico Helpline(圖3)-速報App

Easy Medicine Finder 

Main Differentiator Is Clinical Assistance, Templates To Guide Doctors For Faster & Error Free Clinical


Bank Level Encryption

As Part Of Our PCI-DSS Compliance, and data Is Encrypted Using SSL/TLS Encrytion(128 Or 256 Bits),The

Medico Helpline(圖4)-速報App

Same Level Of Encrytion Used By Banks, Your practices, keeping you up to date ,accurate ,and secure. With

everything in one place, running your practices is simple. Stay connected with your patients from anywhere.-

Reliable cloud Hosting

Advanced Hosting Architecture Keeps Your Practices Running Smoothly And Continuously, Even In Cases Of

Unforeseen Natural Disasters, Hardware Failures .Or Major Data Center Problems.

Medico Helpline(圖5)-速報App


For Patients

Connect to Doctors Pharmaices at anytime any Place

Order Medicines or Share Prescriptions to your Choice of Pharmacies within network

Right things at Right Place, Keep your Health records like Prescriptions, Lab reports, Images, at one place

Medico Helpline(圖6)-速報App

For Pharmacies

Create Your Online Store/ Pharmacy Connect to Patient, & Doctors at anytime any Place

Medicohelpline mobile app will helpful for Your Pharmacy will go online Store/Pharmacy within minutes.

This will make it easier for your clients to find you when they want to see your services & send

Prescriptions order to you

Medico Helpline(圖7)-速報App

Track your Patients order like Inshiping delivered,Paid or Unpaid

Medico Helpline(圖8)-速報App